Your child does not have to master these words in a single day! If your child does not remember a sight word as you are reading the story, simply provide it. Children master sight-wordswith handy flash cards that provide lots of skill-building practice Each card has a sight-word on front, plus a sentence on. Plan on mastering sight words over the course of a week or more. These words are also the focus of our download, print and play Sight Word Games pack. Limit the rapid drill time to five minutes. You can download a free set of Sight Words Flash Cards the Dolch Pre-Primer and Primer words below. You can also use cards with the sounds you are studying. Then go through the cards again and say the words together. Show the sight word cards and say the word to your child. Do this practice before reading the day's story. Prior to having your child read each scheduled story, help him to practice reading the sight words until they come easily. These two-sided cards are fun and easy to use. Then, just cut them out and you're ready to go! See it, say it, learn it Help your child take the first steps toward reading with Sight Words Flash Cards. Rather than creating your own cards, BookShark has made things easy for you! Just click on the links below to download printable sight word flash cards for each book in the I Can Read It! series. We call them "sight words," because they are words your child should grow to recognize by sight, without having to sound them out or having to refer to phonics rules. Sight words include features that do not follow any of the phonics rules your child will have learned to that point. Words your child has already seen once appear in normal text. To create your Flash Cards: First, select the sight word list (s) you wish to use. You can use one (or more) of the existing lists of sight words and/or use your own custom word list. You will notice that new sight words are printed in bold text. Instructions The Flash Card Creator creates a custom set of sight words flash cards. Welcome to BookShark Language Arts Level 1: Beginning to Read! Over the course of the year, you will need to use a set of reading flash cards consisting of what we call "sight words." You will find a list of words in a box at the bottom of the first page of the story where we first introduce them in the I Can Read It! books.